Happy New Year! As a fresh start for 2021 I am adding a practice sheet for my online classes to give more structure and to help inspire more home practice ideas. Classes start up this week and registration is still open for several of them.
In addition to online classes with me there is also a weekly online class package with Gabriella Giubilaro on Tuesdays 15:30-17:00 from January 12th. I consider her my primary teacher and the biggest influence in my own teaching style and practice approach. This is a dream come true for me and for anyone else who has only had the opportunity to study with Gabriella in workshops until now. The chance to study with her weekly in a regular class is truly auspicious and one that I hope you will take advantage of with me.
Finally I have included a workshop in this months schedule with my mentor and friend Leslie Howard whom I respect and adore. Be sure to check out her Awaken your Glutes! online workshop Jan 23rd Sat 11:00-13:00. (Her long awaited pelvic floor workshops in Feb will be posted on the SHIZEN website soon.) This workshop is important for many of us who tend to loose intelligence in this muscle group and it effects our hips, lower back and pelvic health. Fortunately muscle has memory and Leslie knows how to awaken it! It will surely be a fun and informative workshop.
As the unpredictability of Covid continues to create uncertainty around us I hope that your yoga practice will help to keep stability in your minds and hearts .