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Yoga Fest Yokohama 2023!

Writer's picture: shizendominicashizendominica

It has been 4 years since Yoagafest has been held live in Yokohama. This years event is a big step forward for the organizers and the yoga community and a brave shift away from the disconnection that seems to have become the new norm after the pandemic. I am looking forward to seeing how the past 4 years has impacted old friends and colleagues and to meeting new ones and to reconnect with the yoga community at large. This festival is one stop shopping for all things related to yoga!

This year I will attend 2 days of the 3 day festival to contribute 2 workshops to the festival program. Be sure to join me or drop by and say hi if you are checking out the festival! I hope to see you there! Dominica

09/17 09:30-11:00 [17Z1] みんなのピンチャマユラーサナ(孔雀の羽のポーズ)Pinchamayurasana for Everyone

09/18 09:30-11:30 [18B1] ドミニカ先生と学ぶ、ヨガプラクティスの核心 The Heart of the Practice with Dominica

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