Whether one attains elevation or degradation through one's mind depends on oneself only, for the mind can be one's friend or one's foe.-Bhagavad Gita Chp 6.5

Do you change your mind or does your mind change you?
Freedom of choice is a liberty that enables me to contribute to my own elevation or degradation.
Choices are opportunities!
The input I choose in friends, food, books, videos, podcasts, social media is either upgrading or downgrading my life.
My mind reflects the input it receives, so, what kind of mind do I wish to have?
Yoga teaches us to use discernment and discipline in selecting input to download into our mind to keep the senses controlled rather than letting the senses be in control. Depending on my choices, my mind will be a friend or a foe to my elevation and progress in yoga. The choice is mine.

Online Classes October Monthly and Single online class options are now open for registration.
YOGA FOR THE MIND Online Free Class 17:30-18:30 October 4,11,18,25 10月4,11,18,25日
For security, you must register for the class through zoom: click hereto receive the link . Once registered you can join any scheduled class as you are able. If you have any questions email shizendominica@gmail.com.
10/1 (Sat) 15:00 Yoga for Better Sleep |10月1日15:00 良い眠りのためのヨガ
10/10(Mon.) 9:30-12:30 Half Day Studio Retreat | 10月10日(月・祝) 9:30-12:30 秋のリトリート
10/16, 23 (Sun)9:00-10:30 Intermediate | 10月16,23日(日) 9:00-10:30中級 10/16, 23 (Sun)11:00-12:30 Level 1&2| 10月16,23日(日) 11:00-12:30レベル1&2
10/9 Sun 10:00 Hatha 1-2 (Sub for Michael)
10/10 Mon 15:00 (2hr) Immune Support Practice | 10/10 (月・祝) 15:00 -17:00 免疫力を高めよう!(E/J)
10/22 Sat 12:00 Teaching Skills with Dominica & Michael Glenn|10月22日 (土) 12:00 ティーチングスキル

There is still spaces available for this retreat October 29th & 30th. Details here or
Inquire at shizendominica@gmail.com
こちらのリトリートはまだ空きがございます。 約ここ
Recommendations for Mental Input
To read, reflect, absorb and initiate into your daily actions these books are helpful.
The Yoga Tree -BKS Iyengar Light On Yoga- the first chapter prior to the introduction of Asana-BKS Iyengar Introduction to Vedanta -Swami Dayananda Saraswati
The Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
So true what we choose to nurture ourselves with is so important, a great reminder. 💕