God, may I trust that a greater level of connection to myself will contribute to a greater level of connection to others.- prayer Dayal Guranga
The value of time is most precious. Ask yourself "What am I doing for eternity?"- Sachitananda Swami

This September schedule is full of special classes and events to welcome everyone back to yoga from their summer holidays. After the slower pace of summer September can feel kind of action packed. When schedules get too active we may think to start cutting out our yoga practice time. I notice if I do that, I simply do not show up at my best. Yoga is not only a spiritually sound long term investment, it is a materially sound short term one as well.
September Online Schedule
These classes provide informative instruction and personal attention in a live class environment in your own home.Includes recording. You can purchase monthly or single classes. Reservations can be made from the online class page
AM Yoga All Level Tue & Fri 7:30a (45min)
Hatha Tue Level 1*2 9:00a (60min)
Intermediate Tue 3:30p (90min)
Hatha Fri Level 2 9:00a (90 min)
Intermediate Sat 8:30a (120 min)
これらのクラスは、ご自宅でのライブクラス環境で、情報満載の指導と個人的な注意を提供します。 録画が含まれています。単発クラス、月次クラスの購入が可能です。
朝ヨガオールレベル 火、金 07:30 (45分)
ハタヨガレーベル1・2 火 09:00 (60分)
火 中級 15:30 (60分)
ハタヨガレーベル2 金 09:00 (90分)
土 中級 08:30 (120分)
September Special Studio Classes

Yoga for Migraine and Headache
9/9 Sat 17:00-18:30 (90 Min)
Asana to Dhyana for Inner Peace-
9/18 Mon 16:00(2hr)All Level
Experience the richer benefit of a fuller yoga practice.
Pelvic Freedom: Groins and Psoas Release
9/23 Sat 17:00(2hr)All Level
Yoga poses that lengthen and release tension in your psoas, groins and hips.

9/9 (土) 17:00 90分
Asana to Dhyana 全レベル
9/23 (土) 17:00 120分
Sept 11 (Mon) 15:15 - 16:15 (¥3,000)
Yoga Beyond Asana Mindful or Mind full? Part 2
Sept 16 (Sat) 13:45 - 15:00
Inversions for Everyone- All Level
Sept 23 (Sat )12:00 - 14:00 (4,000円)

Part 2 アーサナを超えたヨガ-次回のクラスは:マインドフル?それともマインドが満杯? 9月16日 (土) 13:45 - 15:00
インバージョンを全ての人に (E/J) (全レベル対象)
9/23 (土) 12:00 - 14:00 (4,000円)
9/11 (Mon) 15:15 - 16:15 (3,000円)

I have 2 workshops at Yogafest this year! I hope to see you there!
09/17 09:30-11:00 [17Z1] みんなのピンチャマユラーサナ(孔雀の羽のポーズ)Pinchamayurasana for Everyone
09/18 09:30-11:30 [18B1] ドミニカ先生と学ぶ、ヨガプラクティスの核心 The Heart of the Practice with Dominica
Dominica's profile: