The transition into the end of the year typically begins in November. Throughout this year, my focus has been on self-improvement and personal growth. A significant aspect of this journey has involved identifying and evaluating my values and how they resonate with me. The yamas are the first limb of yoga presented in the 2nd chapter of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. They represent a set of 5 values that serve as a guideline for our conduct in society while pursuing self-knowledge.
These yamas include:
- Ahimsa - Do no harm. Avoiding thoughts, words, or actions that cause harm to myself, others(all sentient beings), or my environment.
- Satya - Truthfulness in thoughts, words, and actions. Being honest with others and ourselves.
- Asteya - Not coveting or stealing: refraining from taking what is not rightfully earned, created by, or given to you.
- Brahmacharya - Exercising control over our impulses and primal desires, Disciplining and mastering our senses and redirecting desires to appropriate areas.
- Aparigraha - Non-greed, avoiding excessive accumulation, and not being consumed by material possessions or excessive needs.
Consciously attempting to align with and implement these yamas into my daily life allows me to sets the tone of a yogic lifestyle. Reflecting on yamas as part of my daily practice, I can assess and recognize both the progress I have made and the areas where I can still improve. By reviewing my actions, I can hold myself accountable and use the insights gained as a compass to direct my spiritual growth alongside my physical practice throughout my yoga journey.
**アヒムサ** - 害を及ぼさないこと。自分自身や他者(すべての生きとし生けるもの)、環境に対して害を与える思考、言葉、行動を避けること。
**サティヤ** - 思考、言葉、行動における真実。自分自身や他者に対して正直であること。
**アステーヤ** - 他人のものを欲しがらず、盗まないこと。正当に得られたもの、創造されたもの、与えられたものでないものを取らないこと。
**ブラフマチャリヤ** - 衝動や本能的欲望をコントロールすること。感覚をしつけ、マスターし、欲望を適切な方向に向けること。
**アパリグラハ** - 非貪欲。過度な蓄積を避け、物質的な所有物や過剰なニーズにとらわれないこと。
Online Classes These classes are also available for single class purchase.
AM Yoga Tue & Fri 7:15 (45 min)
Hatha Friday 9:00 (90min)
Saturday Intermediate 8:30 (120min
Here are some tips for taking yoga classes online: *Set up your mat near a wall or area with little background distraction. *Set up your computer /pad or phone and check that the edge of your mat is in the bottom of the frame. *Have props prepared and ready nearby for easy access.
*Let your teacher know if you prefer not to be highlighted *Schedule time in the week to practice with and learn from the recordings to improve and grow your yoga practice.
朝ヨガ ( 火・金) 7:15 (45分)
ハタヨガ (金) 9:00 (90分)
中級 (土) 8:30 (120分)
* 環境が静かな壁の近くにマットをセットアップしましょう。
* コンピュータ、タブレット、またはスマートフォンを設置し、マットの端が画面の下に収まっていることを確認してください。
* プロップを準備して、すぐに使えるようにしておきましょう。
* 自分がハイライトされない方が良い場合は、先生にお知らせください。
* 週の中で時間を確保して、録画を見ながら練習し、ヨガのスキルを向上させましょう。
SPECIAL Studio Classes
Special Classes AT YOGA Studio Kichijoji
11/4 Monday 9:00-11:00 UPSIDE DOWN: Hand, Forearm, Head, and Shoulder Stands 11/4 (月) 9:00 2時間
11/9 Yoga for Neck and Shoulders|首と肩のヨガ 11/16 Bhakti Yoga|バクティヨガ
11/30 Refresh and Restore|サマーリフレッシュ&リストア
see website for details. | ウェブサイトをご覧ください