Iyengar yoga doesn't deny anyone. Whoever wants it, however he or she is, learning yoga is possible. There are no prerequisites or eligibilities written or unwritten, said or unsaid. Race, gender, class, nationality. body type, mind type, intellect type, preferences-doesn't matter. This is in fact the fundamental of yoga itself.
- Abhijata Iyengar.
As we step fully into summer it is challenging to make yoga the constant when routines are upset by school, work and vacation schedules . SHIZEN Yoga has online and studio options to keep you motivated and connected to your practice this month.
July Online Workshop |7月のオンラインワークショップ

Leslie Howard Pelvic Floor Yoga and the Energy Body July 24th 9:00-11:30
レスリーハワード ペルヴィックフロアー・ヨガとエネルギー体 7月24日 9:00-11:30
Online Classes | オンラインクラス
Online classes with Dominica in July are only available in monthly and single classes.
July Only! Tue 15:30 Intermediate (3classes) 7月だけ!火15:30 中級3回
July 2 Yoga Beyond Asana: Klesa Part 2- This studio class is also available online.
7月2日 5つのクレーシャ:パート2自我(我執)
Yoga for Mind Tuesday July 5th, 19th 17:30 Details here |7月 5,19日17:30
Summer Break Notice
Iyengar Yoga with Gabriella online class suspended for July and August All Hatha Yoga Classes with Dominica will be suspended during August
All Online Classes will resume from September
Studio Special Classes |スタージオ特別クラ
7/9 15:00-16:15 Yoga for Menses: 女性のためのヨガ:月経At-Yoga
7/18 9:00-11:00 Intermediate Back Extensions|中級バックエクステンション-At Yoga
7/18 13:00-15:00 Roots of Yoga Asana-Forward Bend and Twist-ヨガアーサナのルーツ :先靴とねじる Yoga Tree
7/30 15:00 -16:30 Yoga for Lower Spine 腰椎のためのヨガ-At Yoga
See my regular studio class schedule here.