Reflecting and Renewing: A December Offering
As the Year of the Dragon comes to a close, December invites us to pause, reflect, and set our intentions for the year ahead.
I began this year in India, immersing myself in new teachings and practices to continue my spiritual and personal journey in yoga. The experiences and insights gained, nurtured and integrated over this year have been transformative. As the year winds down this month, I’m offering a variety of classes and experiences designed to reflect some of the wisdom I’ve received and to support others on their own paths. It’s my heartfelt desire to give back and continue the cycle of learning, growth, and connection that yoga is all about. I look forward to seeing you in class!
Special Event 特別エベント
12/14 Sat New Year, New Frequency :Yoga and Sound Transformative Experience with Dominica & Alessia
12 月14 日(土)
時間:17:00-19:00 ¥4000 全レベル|All Level
場所: AtYoga吉祥寺 At Yoga Studio in Kichijoji.
We kindly request that you book your spot for this class.
Energize your body, elevate your mind, and raise your energetic frequency to set clear intentions and leave feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to step into the new year with clarity and purpose.
Special Saturday Classes AT YOGA STUDIO 吉祥寺 17:30-19:00 |土曜日 17:30-19:00

12/7 Yoga with Rope Wall – Healthy Back
Use the rope wall to build strength and flexibility in the back muscles while relieving spinal compression and promoting better posture.
12月7日 ロープウォールヨガ – 健康的な背中
12/21 Chest Openings
Open the chest, shoulders, and upper back with backbends and twists designed to release tension, improve mobility, and enhance breathing for a lighter, freer upper body.
12月21 日胸を開く
12/28 Deep Relax, Reset
Nurture body and mind with a sequence of restorative poses, and calming practices, leaving you feeling renewed and ready to embrace the holiday season.
12月28日 ディープ・リラックス、リセット

FINAL Studio CLASS OF 2024!
12/31 Tue 9:00-10:30
Year End Class -All Level
12月31日 (火)9:00-10:30 年末クラス全レベル
Special Online Classes | 特別オンラインクラス

Dec 28 8:30-9:30 All Level Dec 29 7:15- 8:00 JST AM Yoga FREE Class! (Email shizendominica@gmail.com on Monday 30th with "AM YOGA" in subject line to receive the zoom link.)
12月28日 8:30-9:30 オールレベル
12月31日(火) 7:15- 8:00 AMヨガ無料クラス! (12月30日(月)に「AM YOGA」と件名に記入して、shizendominica@gmail.comまでメールを送ってください。Zoomリンクをお送りします。)
新年、新たなスタート| Coming in 2025
期間:5週間 1月11,18,25日 2月1, 8 日
土曜日 16:30-17:30
場所:At Yoga スタジオ吉祥寺

New Year, New Start!! Introduction to Yoga: A Foundational Course
Dates: Saturdays 16:30-17:30 (1 hr)
1/11,18,25 2/1, 8 = total 5 classes
Course fee: ¥15,000yen Location :AT Yoga Studio Kichijoji
registration information and details coming soon at-yoga.net