More often than not we don't suffer from a lack of time, we suffer from a lack of focus.

August is here and summer heat is reminding me to slow down and adjust to the season. So I am changing the negative narrative my mind has about about slowing down and updating it to "Just because something is taking time to complete doesn't mean I am behind." Often there can be a time push in my mind to have every problem. request, notice, and email, responded to right away. Summer reminds us that most problems are meant to take time to absorb the lesson. Actions have consequences. Taking more time for consideration helps me to focus more on better effort and to be less attached to a result. Less time on devices means longer response times to notices and emails. Doing less enables my mind to focus more on the richness of experience each moment offers. Bringing my focus from doing something to enjoying something is a valuable practice of letting go to flow in the current of life.
August Online Classes | 8月オンラインクラス
These classes provide Informative instruction and personal attention in a live class environment in the coolness of your own home. Recordings are included.
Classes are in Monthly and Single Class purchase only
Registration open from Online Classes Page
August Online Schedule
7:30a All Level Tue & Fri (45min)
9:00a Basic 1&2 Tue (60min)
3:30p Tue Intermediate (60min)
9:00a Basic 2 Fri (90 min)
8:30a Sat Intermediate (120 min)
これらのクラスは、ご自宅でのライブクラス環境で、情報満載の指導と個人的な注意を提供します。 録画が含まれています。単発クラス、月次クラスの購入が可能です。
7:30a 朝ヨガオールレベル 火、金 (45分)
9:00 ハタヨガ基礎1・2 火 (60分)
15:30 火 中級 (60分)
9:00 ハタヨガベーシック2 金 (90分)
8:30 土 中級 (120分)
August Special Classes

Aug 11th (Fri) 16:00 (120min)
Cool Down, Freshen up! All Level
Aug 12th (Sat) 17:00 (60min)Healthy Hips All Level
8月11日(金) 16:00 (120分)全レベル 夏のヨガ 8月12日(土) 17:00 (60分)全レベル
8/26(Sat) 13:45-5:00 Yoga Beyond Asana:Mindful or Mind Full? Japanese translation by Miho Studio and Online class
August Studio Classes-
August studio class schedule listing here :
UPCOMING in September
SHIZEN Yoga at YogaFest 2023! Save the dates, details coming soon!
Sept 17th Sunday Instructors class and 18th Monday 9:30 (120min) workshop!